The Radio Play
A play designed for audio, or a live on stage radio play, or on Zoom.
Cast of Ten (6 women, 3 men, 1 either)
Approximately 120 minutes
Adult themes, violence
Review by Anthroromantic Fiend.
Available for purchase at Amazon.

Based on the 1971 novella Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu.
My second adaptation of favorite vampire story, this time using the original setting (1840s) but framed as a radio play. If performed live on stage, a prologue and epilogue show some of the drama behind the scenes as the actors prepare to do the show.
In the wake of some kind of traumatic event, a stern Baron demands Laura tell her version of events to Fraulein Hartog. Eventually some version of events comes out, although in flashback we learn Laura is lying about some key events. In fact, Laura is not as she seems at all, nor are all those who dwell with her in a remote part of Austria. But mostly she keeps secret the full nature of her relationship with her mysterious and fascinating visitor Carmilla -- and how much Laura knew about Carmilla's own secrets.
Carmilla: The Radio Play is available for listening via Shadows on the Air.