
David MacDowell Blue

Honestly I never really know what to write for these things.
Born in San Francisco (the Year of the Boar, if you're interested), but raised in Florida where I experienced no less than twelve hurricanes. Plus I was living in a land with an ever-present awareness of having been conquered. Which was interesting.
After getting my BA from the University of West Florida, attended the (sadly now gone) National Shakespeare Conservatory in NYC. This was where I got an astoundingly firm foundation in scene study and acting technique. Was this a good thing? Some actors and directors have flatly balked at parts of my writing, to be honest.
Have lived in Los Angeles since 1999, following the death of my mother who had been living under my untrained care for a few years. In 2004 my fiancee died, from which I have never truly recovered. Not searching for sympathy, just offering an important detail.
Began writing reviews via my blog Night Tinted Glasses (see above) of the vast theatre scene in Los Angeles. By 2014 I was returning to writing plays, having begun in school with wretched but I like to think promising results. First, I adapted my favorite vampire story Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (which premiered at Zombie Joe's in North Hollywood). Other plays have followed, some of them produced like my own adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula done by Fierce Backbone.
Personally, I refuse to publish any of my plays until they have been produced somewhere (staged readings not counting) in order to still qualify for submissions to various contests.
As of this writing I am close to finishing a re-telling of some ancient mythology titled For Love of Medusa, and need to finish editing an original Sherlock Holmes audio drama called The Whispering Stones, while recently began a play that insisted on pushing its way into my consciousness--The Passion of Zoe Roosevelt.
Meanwhile, my one act Here, In The Parlor of Psalms is having a reading soon in Santa Monica.
David MacDowell Blue 03/24/2023